hi!!!!District is over!!!!!i mean 4 the year 2008 only.2009 is still far beyond the reach....hahaha.....
well...............i woke up at 7 n i supposed 2 reach there at 7.15.hehehe.....i bathe n eat n brush my teeth of course although my teeth is not tat white s urs..........hahaha...............then,off we go,bk+bw..................
u can c bk+bw in mbs at 8 2day...hahaha....
then,i lenggang here n there...talk here n there.....then,ms looi chased my competition fee....woo hoo!!!so pai seh..let ppl chase money from me...hahaha..sorry ma..train tkd 2 much until 4get bout the money stuff.....n oso i had 2 rush back 2 my car n gave her the forms..hahaha........
then,i curi curi go train my creative pattern instead of judging...hahaha.....but b4 tat,i saw denise n she gave me the eggs.....i was like....................(no more fish head....denise u r so kind n good 2 me..sobs)...hahahaha..then,i played with the eggs n managed 2 break 2 with my reverse hook....
first egg with 4 tries???
second with only.....ONE TRY!!!yay!!!!!!!!!hahaha
train train....then,judge pula....i sat beside denise n this time..she is so fish head..she kept on laughing until i oso laughed 2gether with her...n meng s the chief judge oso laugh....shit la....so mangkuk one..hahaha....triple mangkuk judging in district...ooopps???
then....omg....i hav chest pain...i think gastric kua...then,i drove from my training place(near mbs KH room) 2 tennis court juz 2 get burger..coz i lazy 2 walk...hahaha....
munch munch....plus the help of water....coz the burger sux.....bluak!!!!!!!!!
munch munch.....n OMG!!!VIP!!!the guest of honour........................they reached mbs already liao....so???wat did i do??i still continue eating the yucky burger...hahaha... having empty stomach cant do well in tkd one rite??so....i drove back 2 tennis court n................woo hoo....my instructor was kinda angry coz the black belts were like...not organized enough(2 her) n we were still like................
lenggang lenggang kankung....kangkung di tepi jalan.........
hahaha....then,demo started....yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!er....yay 4 the audience only...not me...i hav 2 be the stuntman.....teruk punya stuntman.very fuuny,no more gastric pula
First....pattern lo..black belt pattern..........GAE BAEK!!!i din use all my power coz later i need 2 compete..so..i did it a bit cacat...hahaha...demo only ma...no prize oso one
then.........self defense with the gals...
a guy will team up with a gal...............n we guys...hav 2 act like a rapist!!!u know??RAPIST!!!
but,instead of raping..we got hit!!!hey!!not fair la....btw,the crowd was laughing at me coz wheneva i was down 2 the ground....i shouted arrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh(at the funny tone)...then,meng n me self defense lo...........i need 2 turn his arm 2 make him fall but instead,he pula...like....stand there 4 so long.....n i was like....twisting the arm over n over....until he finally fell..hahaha...i was juz like a 7 year old kid trying 2 make an adult fall..hahaha....ok..then its his turn 2 defend himself...so,he will counter attack me......n......................i F*** it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was supposed 2 slap kick my chest n chop my back with his leg.....n i will fall...mana tau i straight away fall when he slap kick my chest....
coz he really KICKED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!its so powerful!!!the impact n sound...(BOOOOOOM).....n EVERYBODY was like.....WOOOOOOOOO
n of course...u can c how painful m i tru my face.but.....since the guests of honour were watching...i had 2 stand up n continue the self defense....then..........my time 2 show off....
so,i need 2 break the eggs but.............i couldnt c any egg around...so i was like 'EGGS??!!'n the crowd was laughing but not tat loud....maybe i m really tat funny....
so,.....EGGY time......................................my chest was still tat hurts.....then,my first try....omg!!missed!!!!!!!!!!!!second try....yay!!SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!both eggs broke into halves...............at last..i can impress the leng lui/the gals with my eggy skill already....muahahahaha.........n the guest of honour(the guy) smiled a lot when i saw him looking at me...woo hoo....maybe he could sense the pain in my chest...hahaha..or he's impressed by my eggy skill??hahahaha....or maybe both???hahahahaha......then,omg...blood!!!blood!!!my hand bleed la..hahaha....shafiqah wipe my wound with her uniform without any doubt..wat??shafiqah,nex time plz supply me tissue paper la...i can cry one ok??so touching...
Creative pattern..............................................................................i went in there n my chest still hurts although i can still fool around.i moonwalked in there n the crowd laughed at me..wat the heck...maybe it din look like moonwalk at all coz my pants r so long n the floor is damn rough....barefooted ma.then...omg...my hands n legs were trembling.....fine....but,tat guest of honour was looking n smiling at me...............of course more tremble la....wat the heck....n i did 4get a step but i managed 2 cover it up i guess.....when i did my side freeze..i can c....wat a SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET smile from tat guest.........his teeth is kinda white 2(good 4 toothpaste advertisment)...hahaha
after i finished tat creative with shafiqah............so many ppl came 2 congratz me s if i already won the competiton......some even said me n shaf r the bez...hey!!!i can kembang one k.....
then...results.........................................YAY!!!!GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woo hoooo!!!wat the heck....i thought i can get silver the most....maybe bronze...but...GOLD!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!n the crowd cheered so loud 4 me n shafiqah....wow....thanks everyone...its so so so so extremely loud....its the first time tat i can hear such a cheer 4 me....thanks a lot...make me wanna cry pula...touching lo...sobs.....the guest of honour(guy)...looked kinda handsome oso hor..hahaha....the woman one...not bad...hahahaha..
then....judging process....................wow...the gals team pattern event...i noticed the gals looked at me a lot......n of course i looked at them back alot..hahahaha..bk got attraction???hehehe...
i saw my bro spar...he got the adults support...maybe parents i think..fuyoh.......i m so proud of my bro......got kicked so hard...but he still managed 2 win it with SEMANGAT...i don think i can do tat though...
then,his individual pattern....he n brandon had 2 compete 4 the fianl round 2 get either first or second placing lo.....n i was judging them....in the end,i had 2 admit tat brandon is better than my bro...so,i sided brandon n my bro got second.....so sad u know???if i know earlier....i better go judge the gals....some more can cuci mata
there is one funny part......i saw a guy doin reverse back kick..but not 2 his opponent..the kick went 2 the ref..n the ref is firdaus....alamak..tersasar..hahahaha.....pity firdaus
there was one part i volunteered 2 become ref...wanna syok syok a bit ma...coz i never be a ref b4...seriously,not lying....so,i ma try lo...coz it looks nice oso ma....omg..my hands were trembling.....bk so cacat...hahaha
after a while..no more tremble n....mrs looi called me....'bk...come here....'
with her serious look.......i thought of being scolded.....but................
she said 'u r a good ref..u did it very good..yeah..very good'...i was like....har???a compliment pula??hahahaha...thanks anyway...
then....after the long long period of time..where most of the ppl went back already liao....mixed pattern time.i did hold my kick in the pattern n my leg hurts n almost started 2 trembl.luckily,b4 i cant tahan anymore,its already time 2 put down my leg...hahaha...then....punch...punch...kick..kick...........n...................GOLD PULA!!!!!!!wat the heck!!!!i thought of getting silver the most...or maybe bronze..but gold pula.....thanks a lot...hahahaha.....i think 2 day is my lucky day....hehe..thanks shafiqah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway,my bro got bronze...a nice start.....(i got bronze 4 my first year but its 4 creative..not mixed)
then individual pattern..............
punch n kicks....................................blish....blish....bush..priak...pung...ping...tong.....long..hun...jong.....
results time.....bronze...not me.....silver..not me....gold...its me...hahahahaha....walaueh....3 golds in my bag.
team pattern...........fuyoh.....this year....the teams r like...some 3 members only...my team pula only 4.....
then...............i saw the otehr teams n they were so so so GREAT!!!!!!!!!!i din think of the fourth gold anymore.....a silver is good enough though.........or bronze(but i hate bronze...ugly colour)...then,we got 4 teams in there event but only the bez 3 can get medals...so,one will be knocked out.the first round went well with the black belts making fun when a team is doin the pattern.....inconsiderate black belts(i m included..hahahaha)................then,3 teams got same marks(but they din tell us the marks la...they juz said..SAME MARKS)....so,second round lo....n my team was not being called....omg!!!its either first or last 4 my team....then...fuyoh....charlie angels very gaya la...can get gold one...if i judge...i give them gold 4 sure...n hui mei was so cute when she fall from her bridge stunt....hahahaha.....then...results......3rd....not me.....2nd...aik??charlie angels????first..who????my team!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i was shouting like a mad guy......hahahahaha.....n of course i did a few jumps.....n i think the black belts were entertained by my childish act...ahahahahaha.....4th gold.....luo rong said steamer sapu all...hahahaha....
sparring time...................fuyoh.............i sparred with firdaus n.......shit him!!he kicked my balls.....i was of course..down 2 the ground at instance......
then,i ma wear groin guard lo..2 protect ma..if not,no fathers day pula.....then,shit..another blow 2 my balls again....shit...the groin guard CACAT!!!USELESS GROIN GUARD!!!i can still feel the pain from the second blow....n....i gave up straight away...I WAN 2 BE A DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....guess steamer cant sapu sparring event......n in fact...its luo rong tat win the sparring event...hahahaha..n he got kicked by firdaus at his balls 2....hahahaha.....luo rong(playboy),bk(steamer).......firdaus...(balls kicker or EURO fever..coz he likes balls so much)
so....4 golds n one bronze...this year...woo hoo...my bez achivement results in tkd history!!!
thanks again everybody 4 ur cheer n congratz wishes....i still can remember how did the crowd cheer....if i m a gal,i think u can c tears dripping from my eyes...but 2 bad..i m a guy...so,i wont cry tat easily..hahahaha
(oh yeah...i know i m jealous..u don hav 2 say tat playboy!!!i read his blog saying tat i m jealous tat i went back b4 having group hug....indeed I M!!!!)