Friday, October 31, 2008

Wish Me Luck!!


Well, there is no poem this time. :P

Dear Steamy Fans*,

I, Steamer* (the only official blogger in Steaming Page* ) would like to officially announce the hibernation of Steaming Page*. There will no longer be any updates or poems (hehe...) in Steaming Page* during the hibernating progress. Therefore, I hope all the official and inofficial Steamy Fans* to patiently wait for the awakening of Steaming Page*.

2.Steamer* would like to express his gratitude to all his fans to make this a real steaming blog.
I, hereby, would like to say:

-Thank you so much. I will be back as soon as STPM is over.
-Sorry if I blogged anything that hurt your feelings.
-Don't miss me too much.
-Don't miss my poems too much.
-Don't spam when I am not around.
-Behave well and be an obedient guy/gal.
-All the best!!!

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>Terms and conditions apply.
>The management has the right to modify,upgrade,alter and make any changes to the content without prior notice in this blog.



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