Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hungry day but not an angry

hihi!!!!u know wat i had 4 dinner???a plate of chicken rice n a bowl of hokkien mee...hahahaha.....maybe i was 2 hungry juz now....anyway,tats all 4 now(nothing much actually...hehehe)


Friday, April 25, 2008

Dumb ass of the day.............

aik???msspp chess was over yesterday....n i din blog about the last 2 days of the team goes.

2nd last day,
the first match is.......................................FREE SCHOOL!!!
hahahaha...i knew wat was the outcome b4 i,i went in there n tried my bez although i din really hav confidence 2 win.i played black i think.then,yay,early game,i managed 2 force my opponent 2 make a double pawn.n he was so damn fierce with his attacking stuff.n u know wat??he juz focused on my rook n i moved up my wrong pawn.shit....not knight n rook got stuck.shit it.....when i noticed it,it was 2 late coz i already let go of my piece n hav 2 press the tried 2 fight back n his pieces r juz focusing on the centre of the last....i resigned.hehehehe.....then,i looked at the fourth board game n amazingly,my fren was winning n he was against my bro....hahahaha....who should i support??n damn fren should move his bishop 2 trade coz my bro hav 2 trade if the bishop was moved.but he din!!!ee yer!!!if he traded,my fren would left a queen n a rook but my bro with only a queen!!!ee yer!!!shit la.....nvm fren moved his king 4 nothing....geramn nia....if i can push him away,i will!!!I WILL!!!i wanna play tat game!!!ee yer....then,my fren/team mate got checked but he moved his king 2 the forced mate,at instant,i called all my team mates 2 leave the hall n i waited at the canteen n i received the news 4-0.

nex....don know wat sch...syeikh something....

i thought it could be 4-0 but i was wrong.i was so sleepy so i din play s creative s i can(traps n plan la),mostly were juz short plans.of course....i controlled the whole game.but,i saw the third board n fourth board(i sat 2nd board) hope.....within seconds,free rook was given up by my team mate.n third board team mate was facing their sch top player n he was so lan si.i should hav play with him....n c who can lan si.....n he called my opponent 2 get a draw.n my heart say.....'s if u can'...hahaha....of course,i will trashed...n sweep every piece except 4 a stuck pawn juz bcoz of his lan si top player.....2-2.

hope 2 get fourth was fading away....

last day/last game...

when i went 2 sch in the early morning,i saw MBS VS saints.....aiya...wat a opponent.should be 4-0 i guess.n i heard the frees team 2 call me not 2 play coz i can get board prize.i played 6 times but it recorded i played only 5.n i won 4.i got 80%of winning,i m sure 2 get of they din realise the mistake.n i thought of saints were so good.i din play frens n my teachor advisor called me 2 play but i declined....sorry dudes.....n the outcome....2-2...walaueh..if i play ma 3-1 lo...n we can get fourth coz we lost by a point only...alamak..we lost 2 saints by one point....nvm lo...mana tau board prize oso gone.they set new rules n they count according 2 points n not made them lost....i was the dumb ass of the day 4 listening 2,we got sixth n chung ling butterworth got 5th....

i thought i mbs got no hope but the hope was there juz 4 me 2 fade it damn sad lo!!!i will never 4get this!!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

2nd day,the day 4 me but not 4 mbs....

erm.....should i say its a good day or wat?anyway,the first match 4 2day was with...i 4got the name.sorry.anyway,their fourth board player was absent n there was no reserve.guess mbs fourth board player was damn lucky.he juz watched my game....hahahaha...the match started n we were sure of a point but we lost a point later when our first board player lost.then,yeah!!!i skewered my opponent's queen n i trade my bishop 4 the hidden rook behind.hehehe....then,i won.i watched my frens game..the only left playing....alamak!!he should have fork earlier.i wonder wat was he dreaming about....leng lui,he still,3-1.

then,we went 4 the break n we saw our reserve player tat we were searching 4 everywhere,day n,we hav an extra player.while waiting,hehehehe.....i saw a match between 2 kids....n within minutes(around 2)...white checkmated black but its not checkmate yet.....u know ma....not enough experience yet still took it s a checkmate.hehehehe...i offered my challenge 2 tat winner n.....shit!!i lost my knight within 3 frens were watching...damn pai seh lo!!!nvm lo...i still hav the confidence 2 win.btw,i hoped tat i wont lose coz i will be very very famous if i lose 2 tat kid...hahaha...u got wat i mean rite??then,the kid's frens were helping wat??scared meh?? 4 fun nia lo.then,i saw their teacher n i covered my face damn shameful man...ppl said i buli kecik.but i got bullied at first n i lost my knight!!MY KNIGHT!!!anyway,checkmate was the word i said 2 him...hehehehe...nice game...wat will it be if i hav my current chess experience during my younger age?hahaha....

2nd match of the day n......hey!!!where was the reserve player???again!!went missing!!so,we played like we did lo....i sat third board n the first board n the fouth board of mbs won.btw,i lost my queen in the middle game....shit!!!i remembered i saw the result list n i saw a player from chung ling butterworth got 2 points.i played s if the player i faced got 2 points.when i lost my queen,i noticed tat the 2 points player was at first board.wat??joking???fine...i still have the determination coz i got 2 kinights n 2 rooks while he got 2 rooks n a queen.dangerous double knight...hehehehe.....hiahiahiahiahia!!!then,he traded his rook with mine.fine...i still controlled the file.(only opened file)...then,i analysed the board n his pawns were all out of formation with 2 sets of double pawn.n i won by a pawn(without counting the pieces n MY QUEEN!!!)then,i tried 2 set a trap 2 fork him lo...since i got my deadly double knights.yes he went inside n i forked him.but he can take my rook if he made his queen in the rote position.i noticed it after i made my move.amazingly,i felt like nothing...heartbeat was not tat seemed like i was emotionless when i noticed it.thank god!he moved the wrong way....i took his rook(should be la....not so sure.btw,who wans 2 let his queen die rather than rook,rite?)then,he moved his passed pawns n he got only 3 squares left.i checked him with my rook n i checkmated him with my knight.yes!!really damn lucky!!!btw,my second board team mate drew with his,izit a good news??i think i should be grateful...from a losing game 2 my winning game.really damn lucky.i guess i hav learned my lesson....never estimate my opponent! bro made a revenge 4 me...he won the cung ling guy i faced yesterday.thanks bro!


Monday, April 21, 2008

first day 4 team event.........

new day,new event n new hope......tats wat i had in my mind b4 i play my very first match of the day.the first match,i met with tanjung bunga sch.n i thought of playing second board but our reserve guy went missing(should be at home)....aiyo....nvm lo.i played third board.n unexpectedly,the first board of mbs won.walaueh...hahaha..good job dude n sorry 4 underestimate u....really sorry....n then,we got 2 points from fourth n first board.the second n third board r still playing.i saw the second board game n mbs was losing.then,i got one point 4 my team.yeah!!!the second board from tanjung bunga is strong...i can c tat...luckily the reserve went home n i played third board..hehehe...b4 i leave the hall,i managed 2 c tat my teammate at second board revive the game....but,its still a tight game.moments later,i saw my particular team mate n yes!!!4-0!!!hope is there,high in the sky!!

after the break,i was wondering n my 'tat' team mate called me n he said,'u r at third board against chung ling'...walaueh!!!i was 4 a sure answer from him several times n he kept saying,'yes!chung ling!'.ok....i din give up yet.n i met the opponent i met during the individual event.n the fourth board of chung ling was the one i beaten in the individual event but i lost 2 the third board guy in the same event.if i sit 4th board,will i win tat guy again??hahaha...tats wat in my mind.then,i played n aiya,i noticed tat i was late by 5 minutes!!shit....unfair!!!maybe i was 2 bz wondering around....fine,its fair anyway.then,yeah!!s usual i controlled the game n the time was one time i got 2 rooks but he got only one rook n one knight.i was winning.i offered draw once but he declined.then,shit!!!i gave him free rook but still i managed 2 capture the knight.i lost coz of his better pawn attacking formation down near the end.i resigned!!shit it man...should have won u know???imagine....2 rooks with a knight n a rook....haih....nvm la...board prize gone like tat.......2 games with him n i controlled both early games but i lost both games 2 tat guy....wat a day 4 me...


Thursday, April 17, 2008

the final matchday..........

hahahaha.....the final matchday of individual event!!!i was so stressful b4 the match.tension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the seventh round of the event,...oh my god!!!i met with chung ling guy again.toooot!!!shit!!the third time 4 chung ling guy.....walaueh.....n he was juz form 1....i played with small kid....hahahahaha..seems easy but he's from chung,its not really an easy game.i played s usual.long term game again......n he used up a lot of his time....hahahaha....there was once he thought 4 around 15 minutes plus......i got advantage in time 4 the first the game,his time was always lesser than mine.'keep it tat way dude',tats wat i had in my mind tat time...hahaha...then,he made a blunder move n free bishop went inside my pocket.i won by a pawn somemore...guess i m winning.....but,he got a passed pawn so i traded his passed pawn with my bishop ......n shit....its a mistake n i drew....he juz left only 6 seconds....stupid la!!u know???6 SECONDS!!!fine......he somemore complained 2 chief abitter(is it spelled this way??)..n the chief abbiter with his assistant declared it a draw game.....shit...i drew with a form 1 shameful!!!btw,i met chung ling guys 4 3 times n.....the results were beatiful win,one draw..hahaha..(i cant be chung ling slayer like wat my fren did last time)

final round...........
shit!!!this time is free sch guy.i played it my way coz i was white(using white....i don mean i m ang moh kau).but,i made early blunders...damn early...3 pawns were gone like tat....sobs.....anyway,i still managed 2 castle safely with my pieces protecting it.n my pieces were all developed but not his....since my pawns on my left were gone....i used the spaces given by controlling them by a rook.....luck was on my side...i managed 2 recover back my pawns...n this time,a game with same value of pieces but mine were more mobile.hehehehe.......then,i took kinda long time n i lost 2 him by around 20minutes.....hehehehe.....i managed 2 make unexpected but good moves.....really damn lucky..thanks,god!!!then,he touched his queen but he put it back.....without wasting anytime.....'touch move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'( a very soft voice...y???u ask me y???i don wanna disturb the others with my 'touch move' ma),he had 2 bishop again....then,i attacked him teruk teruk 2 prevent him from attacking me...hehehehe...(its either defend or offend)the,yeah...forced mate....n he won frees guy....hahahaha......guess tats all.....sometimes losing pawns early wont determine the game yet.....hahahahaha..... may god bless mbs chess team nex week!!!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

2nd N 3rd...............

yo!!i m back....erm...sorry 4 not blogging bout yesterday chess matches.don worry,i m goin 2 blog it out rite here,rite now.

2nd matchday(yesterday)............

after gaining 2 points out of 2 games,i met with a guy from Chung Ling High School.i was very scared at first coz they got exteremely nice n sweet chess history in previous chess competitions.but,my fren(mbs no.1) told me this guy was not tat great s i fren defeated him last time n he told me 2 play long term game n try not 2 make mistake.its becoz this chung ling guy can make mistake in long term game.n of course,i did like he said.i built up my defence but i made an early mistake.i lost a pawn.anyway,i juz kept on playing until i made a pawn 2 the second last!!!interesting!!!one mistake n he is gone but he made it hard 4 me.....i thought i can win chung ling guy din seem tat way.he were all half fight although i lost by a pawn.then,i played until i lost him by 10 minutes.but,after a few turns....he lost me by minutes.then,i lost 2 him in time again.after tat,i won him by time.hahahaha....we thought kinda long 4 juz a turn.n finally,i hav 2 say bye bye 2 the precious pawn.fine!!!after tat,we played til alomst the end game.n...i still got a precious pawn again....its a passed pawn n will be queen soon....n,yes!!he made a mistake.then,i can checkmate him but i din coz both of us juz left only 2 mitues plus per,i exchange tat pawn 2 my sexy queen.n i can checkmate him again but i din...hahaha..guess i wan 2 panic...........but,after a few moves i managed 2 checkmate him!!!yes!!!i finally beat chung ling guy!!!!i was so happy but i got a headache..hahaha...after tat,imet saints time,i made an early mistake.i thought lightning would strike twice but i kept on making mistake until i resign.i was being 'fried' until i was fallen into force mate,only 1 out of 2.

3rd day..........(2day)
i felt so sleepy in the morning....yawn..........but,when it was around 11,i was so excited until i was so alert.hahahaha....n,i met with chung ling guy again(different guy).this time i was late by 8 minutes coz i din really know it was time n i was playing fun chess with my frens.then,i was kinda panick.....but,i finally made it my way.i controlled the game.he can juz defend.but,i made a wrong push pawn move n....slowly n slowly...i give up!he won.i should hav win!!aik!!not satisfied!anyway,he was such a nice guy.he discussed my mistake with me.hahahaha....bez of luck dude.then,i met with a guy from a sch in balik pulau.from my estimation,i should hav won easily.but,it was not the way i thought.i played n i managed 2 capture around 3 free pawns!!!but,b4 tat,i was trying 4-steps checkmate move which i applied 2 win a guy from st.mark(actually around 6 moves i think).but,this balik pulau guy was not tat bad.first plan failed!2nd plan came in.....aik...not a good sign.i was being controlled although i won by pawns.then,he said *&*&^*(^$^(i wonder wat he said)....n i asked him 'apa lu cakap??'he said he will goin 2 force me 2 accept a draw.then,i was trying 2 figure a move n he offered a draw.i declined coz i won him by pawns.then,shit!!!i wonder how i played n how he played.he managed 2 sweep all my pawns n he left 2 pawns.shit...i offered him a draw n this time he replied, 'tadi saya offer draw kamu tak mau....sekarang kamu mau draw.main dulu...' wat a polite way of reply.i was thinking of resign but i din.i lost him by around 20 minutes.fine.i tried my very bez 2 beat this guy.he made a mistake n i captued his rook 4 free.but,still,i couldnt relax yet coz the 2 pawns were almost down in the back rank.n i left juz 20 minutes but he juz only used up around 40 minutes,i got a rook n a knight.but he got a knight with 2 mighty pawns.i kept on checking him 2 hope him 2 move his king 2 the wrong place n yes...he did!!i traded my knight with the 2 pawns.i left a rook n he with a knight.hahhaha...hope was there but still i was not sure 2 win yet....i checked him n forced him down with my king....n yes....i manaed 2 trap his knight n my frens can c me smiling....yes!!i left only 2minutes.....n CHECKMATE!!!!hahahahaha..actually i should hav won easily.....wats wrong with me??........hope i can made solids move without blunder tomolo.....plz..god bless me!!


Monday, April 14, 2008

The beginning.............

au!!!!i feel ne ne ne ne..........hahahaha......its the first day 4 chess state championship.....n 2day,we got 2 rounds.yeah,2 rounds!!hahahaha....i guess u know wats my result when u read my so many 'hahahaha'....hahahaha....btw,i m kinda jealous bro went 2 my school 2day.he was juz like a frens n even my physics teacher went 2 purposely c my bro.hey!!wat bout me???nobody wanna look at me anymorea izit??n....erm....i think 4 those who went 2 'scope' my bro 2day,they got one thing in their mind.the elder look better than the younger one...hehehehe.....izit???u c..i m so smart...hahaha..k la..joking only la...later u all say i very thick skin.when i went 2 his sch 4 chess competition..nobody wanna look at me..sobs.....

ok goes the chess stuff....i met 2 opponents.n i got shocked!!they look like experts..really..u know the expert face??hahahaha...learn from me if u don mind...hahaha....btw,my predictions were wrong....better don learn from me..hehe.anyway,i took kinda long 2 beat my first opponent.he almost beat me but guess i m lucky enough 2 stay alive n bite him back 2 'death'......n my frens said 'u took damn long'...of course long la....every moves we made decide the game we played.hahahaha.....k..tats the story 4 first round.then,i met another opponent....n i sit beside my bro's opponent...hahahaha....this time i took a very short time 2 win.erm....cant say i m tat good actually.seriously,i m lucky.wat i hoped 4 him 2 move was wat he,i win!tats all...walaueh..guess i wont hav tat easy game tomolo.....erm....oh ya...thanks 4 all ur wishes my frens!!!


Friday, April 11, 2008

doom??? chem is juz like a piece of shit.erm,i think its not juz organic chem..physical chem is oso like shit.Y muz is chem a compulsory subject 4 science students??i understand if they make physics n math the compulsory subjects coz........they rock the world!!!yeah!!!u wont be able 2 view my blog if nobody do research in physics.NO PC if there is no physics..u got me???hahahaha......sobs..gottta do the chem homework later....

anyway,monday is the first day 4 the state level chess competition....n u got wat i mean???of course the bagus bagus/great great/keng keng punya players come 2 mbs 2 compete la!!!walaueh....even my teacher advisor din tell me anything about it....even the date n venue(which hall???)luckily,i m responsible enough 2 find it out myself..hahahaha.....hey,give me around of applause la.....i m so RESPONSIBLE leh..hahahaha......time 4 chem 2 'play' me again....


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thanks a lot

FUYOH!!!!so many ppl is filling the steamness in the YELLOW chatbox....hou kan yu wong ar!!keep it filling man....since there is so many visitors....i wonder should i charge u 4 a steaming fee???hahahaha...thanks a lot dudes!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

After the traffic jam of physics....

hahaha.....i juz got myself out from being stuck at tat....i mean TAT!!! i can,wat 2 do???blog la..since my Steaming Page is so damn empty....
btw,i think the colour is ok ma....can u read well???can ma...can c very clear rite???red n yellow...nice with glow...anyway,i m old already coz i juz 4got wat 2 blog rite now.wat the heck..shit!!k la...till now..wait i recall back my memory first (IF I CAN)


Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday or fried day..........

today is friday.....everything seemed fine in the morning.After a few hours,its not a good day anymore i guess....teachers r giving homework again.Piles of work r waiting 4 me n they r still coming...walaueh.....anyway,i hope i can finish it in time coz nex month is the exam month.No time 2 study oso...then,i saw my fren visiting my sch..of course he is the ex-boy la.Use ur brain la,if no ex-boy,i wont say visit anymore ma.btw,he looks better than last time...hahahaha....only i m the only one remain ugly all the way..sobs....sobs.....(don look at me la!ppl crying u look....i ma pai seh lo!)

Then,i went 2 chess club...fuyoh!!!CHESS TIME!!!yahoo...i had a game with my teacher advisor.Walaueh..i made a mistake...slight mistake n he took the advantage.Slowly,i m losing one by one....pieces by pieces...erm,not tat bad anyway,lost a few pawns only..hahahaha....but,i m still losing.I cant defend well coz he know where 2 attack me.But,he made a mistake 4 me....n i..........(think urself).....hahahaha...walaueh...i got a headache after tat...really damn stressful!k then,i had a few games with my fren....after playing chess 4 2day,i learnt one thing....THE SECRET OF CHESS!!!really!!its damn true...u wanna know it???hahahaha....but,b4 tat...i heard the competition is on april...argh..maybe nex week!!i m not even prepared 4 it...hahaha...still doin my homework...hahahaha...ok comes the SECRET OF CHESS....

IF u wanna win the game.....ALWAYS.. i mean ALWAYS...

CHECKMATE ur opponent b4 they do so...hahaha.......


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Nothing much........

Aiyo.......when i woke up 2day,i felt so sleepy.extra sleepy simple,the reason is.......i m not feeling well lo.yesterday,i made this page with my nose running miles away.u know how chi cham ar?so,rite now,my nose doesnt hav much energy left...its still running but not tat fast anymore...hehehe.erm...y?u wan my nose 2 run more ar??so cruel...shit u la....if u r not,don worry...i sayang u.hehehe.i hope i can wake up fresh n nice tomolo morning coz my nose is not tat energetic anymore...

U WILL FEEL HEALTHY (if ur nose is not running)


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

First Blog of the ..................................

Hi!!!guys n gals,leng chai n leng lui.....dumb ass n smart ass....this is the new steaming page but owned by the old steamer...plz give me ur support 2 help me 2 make u feel steamer.....

well.....these few days i m belly(very) stressed n night....i can either choose math n physics only.....don even hav time 2 enjoy in front of my computer....but....miracle does happen!
I m blogging now!!!hahahaha....k la....i cant even blog with the blogging mood....hav 2 be worried about my homework....anyway,sorry 4 being so short this time...don worry,nex time i will make it shorter...hahhaa...aik??u wan longer???ok ok..s u wished...
