Tuesday, April 22, 2008

2nd day,the day 4 me but not 4 mbs....

erm.....should i say its a good day or wat?anyway,the first match 4 2day was with...i 4got the name.sorry.anyway,their fourth board player was absent n there was no reserve.guess mbs fourth board player was damn lucky.he juz watched my game....hahahaha...the match started n we were sure of a point but we lost a point later when our first board player lost.then,yeah!!!i skewered my opponent's queen n i trade my bishop 4 the hidden rook behind.hehehe....then,i won.i watched my frens game..the only left playing....alamak!!he should have fork earlier.i wonder wat was he dreaming about....leng lui or....me???hahahaha.....anyway,he still won....so,3-1.

then,we went 4 the break n we saw our reserve player tat we were searching 4 everywhere,day n night...walaueh...now,we hav an extra player.while waiting,hehehehe.....i saw a match between 2 kids....n within minutes(around 2)...white checkmated black but its not checkmate yet.....u know la...kids ma....not enough experience yet ma....black still took it s a checkmate.hehehehe...i offered my challenge 2 tat winner n.....shit!!i lost my knight within 3 moves.hahahahaha....my frens were watching...damn pai seh lo!!!nvm lo...i still hav the confidence 2 win.btw,i hoped tat i wont lose coz i will be very very famous if i lose 2 tat kid...hahaha...u got wat i mean rite??then,the kid's frens were helping him....so wat??scared meh??hehehehe....no la....kids ma....play 4 fun nia lo.then,i saw their teacher n i covered my face partially..so damn shameful man...ppl said i buli kecik.but i got bullied at first n i lost my knight!!MY KNIGHT!!!anyway,checkmate was the word i said 2 him...hehehehe...nice game...wat will it be if i hav my current chess experience during my younger age?hahaha....

2nd match of the day n......hey!!!where was the reserve player???again!!went missing!!so,we played like we did lo....i sat third board n the first board n the fouth board of mbs won.btw,i lost my queen in the middle game....shit!!!i remembered i saw the result list n i saw a player from chung ling butterworth got 2 points.i played s if the player i faced got 2 points.when i lost my queen,i noticed tat the 2 points player was at first board.wat??joking???fine...i still have the determination coz i got 2 kinights n 2 rooks while he got 2 rooks n a queen.dangerous double knight...hehehehe.....hiahiahiahiahia!!!then,he traded his rook with mine.fine...i still controlled the file.(only opened file)...then,i analysed the board n his pawns were all out of formation with 2 sets of double pawn.n i won by a pawn(without counting the pieces n MY QUEEN!!!)then,i tried 2 set a trap 2 fork him lo...since i got my deadly double knights.yes he went inside n i forked him.but he can take my rook if he made his queen in the rote position.i noticed it after i made my move.amazingly,i felt like nothing...heartbeat was not tat fast.walaueh...it seemed like i was emotionless when i noticed it.thank god!he moved the wrong way....i took his rook(should be la....not so sure.btw,who wans 2 let his queen die rather than rook,rite?)then,he moved his passed pawns n he got only 3 squares left.i checked him with my rook n i checkmated him with my knight.yes!!really damn lucky!!!btw,my second board team mate drew with his opponent....so,izit a good news??i think i should be grateful...from a losing game 2 my winning game.really damn lucky.i guess i hav learned my lesson....never estimate my opponent!n...hahaha...my bro made a revenge 4 me...he won the cung ling guy i faced yesterday.thanks bro!


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