Thursday, June 26, 2008

Minor Disaster 2

hi!!!heres part 2.....n of course the climax of the!!

well,i missed something juz it goes.during MUET(Malaysian university english test) or u can call it english subject 4 the sixth formers,i was writing something n my teacher said my writing looks like chinese words.WAT??CAN U BELIEVE IT???ABC = chinese words???i was speechless........................(4 a while)
then,she continued,'its nice.keep it up'.i was so touched!n my frens were shocked n me 2.....n my fren said its the first time a teacher giving compliment 4 my handwriting.n of course...........ITS THE FIRST TIME when i studied in many years ar???7 years u know???7 YEARS!!!its so long!!a teacher praising my handwriting..............(sorry 4 repeating i,i cant control it.....)i think she is the only teacher tat likes my handwriting.4 the rest of the teachers,u can hear 'baiki la tulisan anda/ur work is so messy/ur handwriting is so ugly/untidy work............n so on)

hahaha....things started 2 change after tat.....................

things were getting bad............explosions in lab(previous blog)

n then,i went home.i went 2 sggs after tat n..............woooo....many gals.then,eggs provider came n she broke 2 eggs n left only one nice egg 4 me.sobs...........yeah,its 3 but 2 broken...hahaha..anyway,thanks a lot...bad luck started 2 come.....

then,lmtc...................i trained kicking the eggs n holy shit....i was not accurate at all!!!how come????not even once!!last week was ok.fine then.thanks 4 the persons holding eggs n small targets(leaves/sticks 2 replace the eggs)..sorry 2 firdaus,azri,hani,hui mei,jonathan n last but not least rong...hahaha....coz i hit their hand (a lot of times i think)

then,i went back early n car knocked the side of the road n the wheel cracked.

i did my chem practical n the cover of my mechanical pencil cracked(broken i think).wat the heck..................i better go 2 sleep now...having bad luck rite now..hope i wont be so bad luck in my dream n....................NO NIGHTMARE PLZ!!!!!!!!!!


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