Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tensile Stress


Currently, TENSION!

That describes exactly the engineering undergraduates' life. I should always consider myself lucky for being one of the victims.

Everything has 2 sides. Being an undergraduate is tough. Tests and assignments are always there to haunt the students. And of course, the students or 'we' complain a lot.

However, you should always consider yourself lucky if you are an undergraduate.


1.Many are not so fortunate to have such kind of life.
2.Study smart and life is full of enjoyment.
3.Skipping classes or lectures is parts and puzzles of tertiary life.
5.There is no such thing as RETRENCHMENT!

Can we do that during work?

Since the mid sem break ends tomorrow, here is something for everybody going back to their universities.

Don't give others burden and load,
No matter you are a ship or boat,
Always switch on the cautious mode,
Always be careful especially on the road.


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