First and foremost, let's welcome the year 2011 and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Sorry for being 'not so active' anymore because of examinations. I know you can say I have sem-break but I was working and mostly 10 hours per day. Well, let us just forgive and forget about others wrong doing (especially mine) to welcome this very new year ( not that new anymore I guess...)
I wonder how will it gonna be next year... 2012 is awaiting. Professors and scientists did mention that 2012 is D-day! Well, and surprisingly, the world gonna end on my birthday! Is that a joke? Imagine singing a birthday song half way and buildings collapse. And the cake is for display only.
Well, I hope you still remember my birthday. Forgotten? *sobbing*
Okay! Let's talk about my previous semester. I did quite well and I am quite happy except for one. I got a D- in one of my subjects. The rest....not bad ^^ The semester with most A's ^^ But a D- drag my CGPA down to hell. Anyway, it's still above 3. Thanks to those 'Apples'. So, actually, my new year resolution is to..................................... Hehehe... ^^v
It's rainy season and it's also flooding season. Today, the whole campus got flooded. I guess there won't be any goalkeeping for me this week. No more flying and diving here and there.
I am gonna tell you YOUR resolution this year as I know many of you will surely forget this special resolution.
Everybody, Happy New Year and Steam MORE!