Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hoping to be alive...


Just now there was a rove beetle in room and it was on top of my kettle to be precise. Well, let me explain as i don't think you know what is rove beetle. Haha..I see many question marks above your head. Ok, let me start explaining. Rove beetle is a kind of beetle, of course. Haha.. But it is not like the common beetle that can secrete the smelly chemical. This beetle has no smell at all. But its body cotains pederin. And again question marks above your head. Pederin is an extremely poisonous substance that is four times more poisonous than cyanide. If you do not know what is cyanide, then, cyanide can bring instant death if you only take a sip.

And that bettle fell off into the mouth of my kettle. I don't really know that did it swim or it hung on the wall of the kettle. Before noticing the beetle, I poured a portion of the water into my bottle. And I took a sip of it. Of course, I was really thirsty. But after that sip, I saw it wondering on my kettle. So, if I don't update my blog anymore, Don't miss me. But, remember me.

Minutes have passed and the instant death is not here yet. Hopefully this is not my last blog as I know many of you are still enjoying my blog ^^.

May god bless me.

Going to sleep soon and I hope to see the sun of tomorrow and also the moon and stars of course. Clouds are included with the sky. And the most important one, the leng lui(s) of tomorrow ^^.


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