Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pacific Love Life


Well,at first there is 3 couples on the 4th floor of Pacific Komtar. The 'Famous 3' I guess. So the first couple got it started quite well. As we can see, they got it ok and i just couldnn't know much. But during the relationship, they quarreled very much and it ended that the guy did the things that the girls don't like and the girl did the same thing too. So, it really needs someone to tolerate. That's what love do really need. And in the end, game over. The girl said that she didn't really like the guy but just pity the guy. =.='''

The second couple.Wow!A bit complicated. Let say, this involves 3 people. A, B and C. A and C are the guys. A tackled the girl first, B. Well, A did many things that can touch a girl's heart. Stop smoking is one of them. I know it's very hard 2 stop smoking but he just kept on trying. Well, sometimes I really do respect the guy. But C liked A since the first the he saw he coming to work. And C is a er.....stupid guy? He kept his feelings all the time. B liked C too. At times, C got confused that B liked other guys.At first, his pal, then her colleague......and finally A. A and B walked together and ate together. Well, it's a misundertsanding.

I hope you guys know what I am blogging right now.

But it goes on for a month I think. Suddenly, C knew that the girl liked him too. So , he confessed his feelings secretively to the girl and the girl was shocked. The girl thought he was just playing because A had did many things but C just did nothing to prove his love. Well, do love need proving? And days goes on and yeah! The couple involves B and C. Well, for me, I think they should get together since they like each other but many of the people objected because they are the friends of A. Love need friends? I just can't get the answer now...

And then, C liked the girl and fall deeply when time goes on but B was afraid to love him. She just couldn't trust that guy enough. She got a bitter relationship in her past. So, she just liked the guy only. And perhaps, liked a little bit? The guy,C was very sad indeed. He just couldn't understand because he didn't have a much bitter relastionship than the girl. I really pity the girl. And I pity the guy as well.Don't you think he is stupid? If I am the guy, I just wouldn't know can I be like him? Sacrifices of his feelings and pride just because of that girl. And I admit,the guy is me! I just can't believe it! Where is my ego?

Then, since their relationship is not so good going on, A came back to fight for her. It's really a tough time for the three of them. The girl got touched but liked the other guy. Who will you choose? The guy that you like but didn't prove anything or the guy that can make you feel touched but no love feelings?

After a moment, the girl chosed C! Yeah right choice I would say. But the girl just couldn't splash all her heart in the relationship. She was so afraid of being hurt again. And the guy,C cried a few times just because of the girl. Well, it's imppossible for him to cry for a girl right? And they broke up to consider and yeah! They got together again and the girl was so lovely towards him.

Since the guy,C who knows psychology and can judge a people by their looks and their talking, he told the girl that who wants to break their relationship and who is not a good guy. But the girl didn't believe her. Arguements again and finally the girl got the guy right. She kicked A out officially.

Then, the guy likes to hide his secret and that makes all the misunderstanding. He is a guy that don't even mind misundertsanding. Crazy? And now....because of over.

The third couple, the guy tackled many girls in my working place. And he is so obvious a playboy! But, he got his lucky third time. So, he got a girl and now, he is having 2 girlfriends. What a guy is that? They are the only one standing....


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