Thursday, May 21, 2009

Steamer VS Supervisor


Well, I had a quarrel with sports supervisor.

He is a sports department supervisor. So, he should only see around his sports corner and not my corner (GENT'S).

Actually,at first, I went to talk with my friends. I was a foot away from my counter boarder. So, it's still near and I observe my counter whenever I was talking at another counter.

I saw that sports supervisor, Mr. A. He looked at me quite long and I ignored him. I saw him holding out his phone. So, fine! I kept on talking. He took a few shots of pictures and I was really damn hot.

He called a security guard to disperse the group which consists of 4 people.

Guard: Itu officer suruh kamu semua jangan cakap.
Me: Dia bukan sangat suka ambik gambar punya kah?Suruh dia ambik lagi la. Kalau dia mau kita tak mau cakap,suruh dia sendiri mai sini cakap dengan saya!

Guard:................ (walked out to talk with Mr.A)

I told my friends not to scared because I am here (sounds......a bit ahem*)

Then, Mr.A was on phone and I was very aware of my surrounding. I was afraid that the big shots(executive or manager) to come up. That will be a huge case if that really happens.

Then, Mr.A came to talk to me.(in hokkien)

Mr.A: I need your explanation.

Me:I don't need to explain anymore. You already took my picture. Why still asked me about that?! Take more pictures la!

Mr.A: No....I just take and if your reason is acceptable I will delete it.

Me: Walaueh! You can't be a policeman.

Mr.A: ??????

Me: If you are a policeman, you surely will own a gun. You will surely shoot dead the people first before questioning. Shoot before you ask. That's what you do!!!

Mr.A: No...I need you to respect me ma..Now just explain to me.

Me: You really want me to explain?! OK! These are 3 new part timers. I am the old worker here.

Mr.A: Ya...

Me: So, I just wanna tell them about some customers that can take advantage (molest). I wanna give them a warning. Am I doing a wrong thing?

Mr:A: Not least tell me ma...If you wanna talk,nex time look for me first..

Me: OH!!!So if next time I can't see you, I don't have to talk anymore,is it?Do you mean that??!!

Mr.A:No...If you can't look for me nevermind. I have many paper work already. So just tell me and I am ok with it.

Me: If everybody does what you said. So, you can't finish your work anymore! You won't have time because many people are working on this floor!!!

(well, yeah!!I did shouted and I was in the spotlight)

Bla bla...He explained his bloody stuff and suddenly Mr.S(newly appointed assistant supervisor of gent's department) called him to go into the office.

Many people felt amazed because I am always so gentle at my appearance..hehe....

'Jacky,GOOD JOB!'

That's what I heard a lot.

Suddenly, Mr.S called me in. I gave flying kisses to everyone as I was in the spotlight.

Mr.S: Please have a seat.

Me:Sit? Well,it's ok one la...

Mr.S: No NO!!!you must sit. I know you have some problems. Let me help you to solve it.

I talked about the molest cases and suddenly Mr.A walked in.

Actually now we were in the office.

Bla bla....

Mr.A : You can't do grouping...

Mr.S: Was there any customer around?


Mr.S: Then, it's ok! He has the right. Moreover his counter is near.

I felt shocked....I respect you dude!

Bla bla...

I walked out as a hero....muahahaha!!!

I guess I will be famous in Pacific Komtar!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009



The way you break,
It makes my heart feels the ache,
The words are fake,
I am actually outside the slient but unclear lake.

The pain I take,
For the lies you laid,
For the price I paid,
For the promises you made.

You just made things worse,
You made my feelings burst,
I see your promise as a curse,
Why did you promise me at first?


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another one...


I got a teacher with the same name as mine during my sixth form.

Now, there is a colleague with the name 'bk' .

What a coincidence.... Will the market of my name drop?


Friday, May 15, 2009

TKD Demo in MBS...


I went to mbs today. I did some demo with firdaus and jes. We just trained for around 10 minutes and we are up there. Can u imagine that?

I was doing self-defense with jes and again,I was the rapist as usual.

I walked in after I wiped my saliva looking at jes. Sex maniac? Perhaps :P

But,after I grabbed her shoulder, she looked at me. I was.....haix....knife hand,knife hand.
Then she knife handed me but with a kick after that. There shouldnt be any kicking. I was shocked and had to fall but not tat 'good'. Laughters.....GERAM!!!

Then knife set with firdaus and 3 sets only. Laughters....

Black belt pattern, I noticed the gals in the front row were looking at me. :P

Then,I sparred with firdaus and my friend said I hit his head but did I?

I regret of going but.....

After I went back,

Jes told me her friends wanna know more about me :P

Hahahaha....I should be there at first...muaahahahaha


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Something is just not right....


Something is not right,
I just don't know how to fight,
Whether it's heavy or light,
Whether it's loose or tight.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Job Vacancies


There are job vacancies for part timers in Pacific Komtar.
Don't worry because you will surely work the same floor as me ^^

Usually they offer 4 hours job per day.
But there are 2 brands offering 8 hours job per day.
For those interested,please leave your mark in my chatbox. Thanks!


Friday, May 1, 2009



Problems to reduce,
Solutions to reuse,
For everything we need a fuse,
But for something, I am so confuse...
